Happy 2019! After the holidays and the launch of Book 2, we finally have a chance to sit back and catch our breath. The response is positive thus far, but some questions have come up. So here are three question about Chaos answered.
We left some plots unresolved in Gates of Golorath. It’s a series after all and one book just isn’t enough to tie up plotlines. Because it is a very long story, there will be cliffhangers, and things will get parceled out in small increments as we move along. This has actually been one of the exciting parts about writing Angels of Perdition. We got to delve deeper into some of these questions and connect some of the dots. Along the way, we chased down some awesome storylines, but they made the book too long and we had to cut them out. We plan on publishing these later in the year, as stand-alone novellas that are connected to, and enrich the main storyline.
Don’t worry, I’m not really going to spoil anything here, but I will address three of the most common queries that we received.
What’s the deal with Fel? Why is this character even here? We meet him in the middle of Gates as an Extipana who has left his village for some elusive purpose. He does not know where he is going, or why. All he knows is that he is not happy, and this journey needs to be done. The next chapter deals will Fel’s transformation back into Rastef, the immortal son of the Apostate. The final chapter in this arc deals with Rastef’s ennui after recording the events of his life as Fel. That’s it. That’s where we left it. A number of readers commented on this. Here is this character, completely removed from the action, with no connection to Angus, Arielle, or their Pride. In Angels, we continue with Rastef’s story, and as you’ll see, it intersects with several storylines. There is a lot more to this character than meets the eye, and so we decided to take our time introducing him.
What happened to Ti’vol? Like Rastef (Fel), this is a larger question than it would appear. Ti’vol is one of the Immortals, without a doubt, but her path diverged from everyone else’s in Gates. Where that path will lead… we’ll get to that. Needless to say, the events of her disappearance are still reverberating through the Pride, and the Masters of the Gates are still searching for answers.
Who are the characters modeled after? This really gets to the heart of the series, as readers have connected with different characters in the Pride. Well, with the exception of Angus and Arielle, they’re not modeled after anyone. Arielle and Angus are throwbacks to our younger days, back when Dorothy and I played D&D. They were the characters we created for the game, and we grew so attached to them we didn’t want to let them go. As to everyone else, they literally are figments of our imagination. We hear them talking, me when I’m writing, and Dorothy when she’s editing, and we just jot down what it is they say. The more we’ve written about them, the more we’ve come to understand them. Still, they shock us from time to time, and take the story in unusual directions. That’s part of the fun for us. We have the general arc of the story, but the characters – and the plot – have a way of evolving right in front of our eyes; we’re reading the book as it happens. Pretty cool.
So, there you go. Three of the most frequently asked questions answered. I know, we didn’t really answer too much about Ti’vol, but stick around, we promise you’ll find out more.
Here’s hoping you all have a wonderful New Year. Angels of Perdition is available now, and keep your eyes open for the first of the novellas, Requiem’s Reach coming early 2019. Book three of the main series, The Gathering of the Blades, we are shooting for the end of 2019!
Thanks for joining us on our journey; we are thrilled to have you along for the ride.
Spread the word and Gather the Blades!
R.M. Garino